About Us

Amaranth Hemp was created in late 2021 and from there it has been a slow start with acquiring equipment raw products, and knowledge.  All raw materials are the best of the industry and so we have grown with the best of the best.  We take pride in providing the highest quality products in the Hemp industry so you will have the best products for your health and relaxation.

Why Amaranth for a name?  We thought it was quite a good fit for the mythical meaning.  Here is a short summary:

The Amaranth is a mythical flower celebrated for its enduring beauty and eternal symbolism. In ancient Greek mythology, it was believed to be a symbol of immortality and everlasting love. The name "Amaranth" derives from the Greek word "amaranthos," which means "unfading," reflecting its association with the idea of perpetual life. According to legend, the amaranth was a gift from the gods, embodying the eternal nature of true beauty and virtue.